Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What a day in the news!

There was a lot of note in the news today. Lets start with California upholding the same-sex marriage ban. Despite severe criticism by activists, the CA supreme court upheld the will of the 52% majority who approved Proposition 8 with a 6-1 vote today. Same-sex marriage remains invalid in the State of California. Conservatism lives!

Unfortunately, the government seems to have gotten its hands on GM today as well. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/27/business/27auto.html?hp According to the New York Times, the Treasury Dept will hold 70% of GM when it emerges from bankruptcy. With the UAW holding 37.5% that leaves very little for bondholders and creditors. Hmmmm.... I don't think that is how bankruptcy is supposed to work. Next thing you know, the federal government will be controlling other industries as well. And we've seen that done before. This is the same thing that Castro did to foreign corporations including nearly 6,000 American companies operating in Cuba in 1959.

And then there is President Obama's pic for the Supreme Court- Sonia Sotomayer. Where do we begin? I was reading comments on a story run on CNN in which Florida senate hopeful Marco Rubio http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/ expresses concern over Sotomayer's admission that she would set policy from the bench. The majority of respondents to the story thought the republicans were being naysayers, racists, lemmings, and big babies for raising such concerns. many even responded that they believe that the job of the SCOTUS is to set policy. It is unfortunate the lack of understanding that the average American citizen has when it comes to the Constitution of the United States and the separation of power in the Federal Govt.

But there seem to have been breakthroughs in climate change today. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20090526/sc_afp/climatewarmingusbritainchu The AFP reported that the Obama administration wants to paint roofs white (or other cool colors) in order to cut down on global warming. This goes well with the article in the Sunday Times in the UK that suggested giving up eating lamb, tomatoes, and other "carbon rich" foods will cut down on methane production and therefore help save the planet.

I do think we may be fast approaching Armageddon.

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