Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jennifer Granholm on short list of potential Supreme Court nominees

This is some scary stuff! I don't think I want a Supreme Court justice who is so out of touch with reality. In her two terms as governor of the great state of Michigan, Granholm has accomplished much of her agenda- to trim manufacturing jobs and to destroy the rights of the unborn.

Just take a drive down any one of our deteriorating roads in your foreign car and stop to talk to the locals. Don't worry, they'll be home. (Our jobless rate is 12.6%) But before you head out, you might want to fill up first. Michigan gas taxes are among the highest in the nation (behind only California, New York, Connecticut, and Illinois) even before you consider a proposed 15 cents per gallon increase in the works to keep our roads in "good repair". Stop to enjoy our natural resources (if you can get to them). You might notice how expensive things are in the tourist areas- but don't fret- that is just because we have to tax you to help balance our state budget (which hasn't happened in a long time even though taxes keep going up on everything from gas to ski lift tickets). Just keep driving. Pay no attention to the closed auto plants...Governor Granholm doesn't want us to focus on those. Instead, look for movie crews and wind farms. Those are the future jobs in Michigan.

And in case all of that doesn't give you confidence in our governor, perhaps you should consider her social agenda. She's Catholic and claims to rely on her faith as long as it supports her social agenda. For instance, when trying to balance a budget without cutting her pet social welfare programs to the mentally ill and homeless, Granholm took aim at Republicans who opposed her by saying...

"Often those who cloak themselves in a cape of religiosity happen to be some who are the biggest cutters. Now, some of that can balance out. But when you get to cutting the services for the least of these – in the 25th chapter of Matthew in the 37th verse the Lord says, 'Whatsoever you do to the least of these, so also you do unto me' – that's when I question whether somebody is really living out the faith that they profess."

But at the same time, Governor Granholm wholly supports abortion and embryonic stem cell harvesting which are in opposition to the core of Christian faith, Granholm said that “as a Catholic, I can say to be pro-cure is to be pro-life." She has been publicly rebuked by Bishop Earl Boyea of Lansing for those remarks. “Nothing could be further from the truth,” Bishop Boyea said. “While the Catholic Church strongly supports legitimate forms of stem cell research and all other proper forms of scientific inquiry, the Church also teaches that is it is always immoral to destroy a human embryo.”

As a Supreme Court justice, Granholm would have the potential to influence or perhaps "legislate" from the bench. This is when her anti-life stance really becomes a problem. In 2008, Granholm vetoed SB 776, a bill which would ban partial-birth abortions in Michigan. She vetoed the bill claiming that there was no loophole for life-threatening situations for the mother. This veto has no precedence because a similar bill has already been passed and upheld by the Supreme Court at the Federal level. This blatant disregard for the rights is indicative of Granholm's character and her history of opposing life issues. In October 2003, Governor Granholm vetoed Senate Bill 395, the "Legal Birth Definition Act," which sought to outlaw partial-birth abortion by granting full legal status to the child as soon as any part of his or her body emerges from the mother.

This woman is reckless and dangerous. Her record in Michigan is atrocious and her social agenda does not belong on the bench of the highest court in this land.

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