Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Uh Oh, better call the Gestapo...uh, er I mean the White House.

The Obama White House is asking that if you hear of people disagreeing with Obamacare or anything that sounds "fishy" through e-mail or casual conversation that you let the White House know by e-mailing flag@whitehouse.gov to inform on your friends and neighbors. I didn't believe it, so I looked it up myself and here it is. On the official White House site.


What the hell has this country come to? Informing on your neighbors who disagree with Barack the Almighty? Somebody wake me from this nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't care if you are Democrat, Republican, Independent, illegal immigrant, veteran, civilian, man, woman, or child. If you value your Constitutional freedoms, this should really bother you.

Inform on me if you must, but you should be mad as hell at what this government is asking.

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