Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I don't even know what to say.

I'm reading the news every single day. And every single day something makes me ask myself what the hell is going on in this country. Automakers are now owned by the Feds and the UAW after a bankruptcy which left secured bondholders with virtually nothing. Inspectors General are being fired for doing their job- protecting the taxpayers from fraud. Congress is voting to allow photos of "prisoner abuse" to be released endangering our troops all over the world at the same time that our President offers apologies to dictators and terrorists around the world. The Constitution is being disregarded in favor of circumventing separation of powers in govt. Elected officials have failed their constituents and have had their authority usurped by the czars appointed by the president who answer to nobody but the president. The president keeps reminding us of the 53% of voters who elected him to office, but seems to easily forget the 47% who did not.

I can't even begin to imagine where this path we are taking will lead us. What I do know for certain is that the American dream is over. The federal government is succeeding in taking away the rights of the people. The government "of the people, by the people, for the people" no longer exists. The president answers to nobody. The Congress is a bunch of cowards, liars, and cheats, the cabinet is a bunch of crooks, and the supreme court has steadily ignored the constitution and authored policy from the bench.

Will the people let this continue? I won't stand by and watch it happen without expressing my opinion (while I still can) and holding my congressmen and women accountable. We can't put up with this any longer. Our predecessors fought for our freedom and we are letting it be taken away. Shame on us. Stand up for your rights as an American citizen and demand accountability from your government! Get involved. Do something. Stop electing more of the same politicians to office. Use the power of your voice and your vote.


  1. I just heard somewhere that our troops will soon have to read Miranda Rights to prisoners of war (even in the field) or else face serious repercussions from our government. Why are we giving terrorits any rights whatsoever?

    - Rebecca VanTol

  2. Thanks for the comment Rebecca. Actually, it isn't our troops who are miranziding terrorists, it is the FBI granting rights similar to our Miranda right to specific high level terrorists. (Still insane to be doing it in my opinion). And this was something that resulted from President Bush's attempt to make nice with critics who thought military tribunals for terrorists were not in keeping with America's stance on human rights. his response was to try September 11th terrorists in American civilian courts. The FBI was brought in to interrogate and gather evidence in a way that it would be admissible in court. That is when the Miranda-like rights were put in place. There is no official word that the military is required to Mirandize terrorists. But in this administration, I really think that your concern is legitimate.
