Tuesday, June 30, 2009
More on Climate Change
Friday, June 26, 2009
Today is a dark day in American History
Reichert-Washington--8th District
Bono-California--45th District
Kirk-Illinois--10th District
Lance-New Jersey--7th District
LoBiondo-New Jersey--2nd District
McHugh-New York--23rd District
Smith-New Jersey--4th District
Remember them at election time!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I don't even know what to say.
I can't even begin to imagine where this path we are taking will lead us. What I do know for certain is that the American dream is over. The federal government is succeeding in taking away the rights of the people. The government "of the people, by the people, for the people" no longer exists. The president answers to nobody. The Congress is a bunch of cowards, liars, and cheats, the cabinet is a bunch of crooks, and the supreme court has steadily ignored the constitution and authored policy from the bench.
Will the people let this continue? I won't stand by and watch it happen without expressing my opinion (while I still can) and holding my congressmen and women accountable. We can't put up with this any longer. Our predecessors fought for our freedom and we are letting it be taken away. Shame on us. Stand up for your rights as an American citizen and demand accountability from your government! Get involved. Do something. Stop electing more of the same politicians to office. Use the power of your voice and your vote.
Monday, June 8, 2009
A tale of climate disater penned by alarmists. This week's bestselling "fiction"
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Fascism is alive and well in the good old U.S.S.A.

I was listening to Hannity this afternoon on the radio and he was observing that President Obama still maintains an approval rate over 60% despite the polls showing a clear majority opposed to nearly everything he has done in office so far. This blows me away.
Then this evening on FOX News there was a discussion of how many in the press don't seem to be so much in bed with Obama any longer, but rather are afraid of him. The historical record has shown in BO's first months as President that if he opposes you, he will take you down. This first became clear when the feds ousted Rick Wagoner from GM. Nobody voted for that. Nobody authorized the President to have that kind of power- certainly it didn't come from the Constitution. The media should be afraid. Obama (with the help of the Bush administration) has taken over the American banking system and treasury. He has taken over American industry with the auto bailout, and he is getting ready to take over the health care system. Where is the opposition?
You may remember a guy called Adolf Hitler who rose to power in Germany after the First World War. Hitler was voted in as chancellor and soon made his way to becoming dictator. In a matter of months he had otherwise intelligent citizens deciding to round up the Jews and gas them all. Much like Hitler, Obama has taken his elected office and morphed it into some sort of sick dictatorship without the people who elected him even realizing what is going on. This is serious folks.
We have got to put a stop to the President and his "czars" and take back our country before we completely destroy our infrastructure and sell everything we have to China. At the rate we are going, we will soon be left like the post-war Russians with nothing but a dying dream of change and of power to the working class. Not since the Russian Revolution have we seen this kind of full-scale assault on law-abiding citizens. The anxiety produced by the upheaval of our economic system has led otherwise normal people to fall for this crazy scheme called the economic recovery plan. But every effort just brings the economy further under fire. More people are losing jobs and the industry that can save us is being parceled out to whomever the "car czar" or the President chooses. This is exactly the same thing that Lenin and Stalin did. It is the end of capitalism in America and the beginning of a fascist regime.
For anyone who might argue that fascism is too harsh a term, here is the definition. Don't know how you can argue that Obama is not fascist.
Fascism: a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
Yep. That is pretty much what we're looking at.