Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Is this the end of free speech in America?

Has anyone (besides Glenn Beck) noticed that this White House really doesn't support our right to free speech? Besides its more blatant attack on those who question their decicions (or lack thereof) like Fox News, there is a general practice of attacking and attempting to suppress opinions not in line with their own. His own Communications Director admits to controlling the media all through the election making sure what got reported was only what they wanted reported. Is it really any surprise that this administration will do anything they can get away with to impose their will on American citizens?

We all know that the Obama administration is all about control. They control access by the press and therefore the message delivered by the media. If they can't control you, they smear you as evidenced by the dismissal of Fox News as not being a real news organization. He's accused Republicans of not being able to think for themselves. He's attacked capitalists, conservatives, Christians and Jews, white police and allied world leaders. About the only thing he ever does is take pot shots at people who don't worship him and his policies. And then he has the gall to preach at us to "grab a mop and start helping to clean up the mess". Great plan Mr. President. I'll start by doing my very best to get your Democratic Congress voted out of office and then I'll move on to making sure I help take back America by electing someone who cares about ALL Americans- not just the ones he can control.

Mr. Obama seems to believe that he only serves those who elected him. The rest of America clearly has no value to this President. I for one have had enough.