Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Russia/Poland Choice

Today President Obama announced that the United States will scrap it's plans for a missile defense shield located in Poland (you know that little country right next to Russia)
Whatever the was not the day to make this announcement. 70 years ago today on September 17, 1939, the Russians invaded Poland in their bid to divide Europe with the Nazis. To this day, relations between the two nations remain straine...d and though Germany has offered many apologies for their role in the invasion 16 days earlier, the Russians have not. So the announcement of the removal of missile defense in Poland (our ally nation) is a slap in the face to the long-standing ties we've had. However, Vladimir Putin has expressed his approval of the decision.

As recently as last November, Russian Presiden Medvedev threatened to point missiles at Poland. Clearly the Russians feel threatened by having a U.S. missile presence so close to home..but if the American/Russian relationship is as good as this administration claims they why all of the fuss? The President has chosen to ignore the long standing relationship we have with the Poles and the Czechs in favor of appeasing the Russians.

The political spin to this story is that we have new and better information and those Iranians can't really nuke anyone in Eastern Europe, so we don't need the missile shield. But the history of this story goes further back. The Russians are pissed off because they don't want U.S. missiles close enough to them to put any pressure on them. These are defensive missiles by the way. They've threatened the Poles within the year and they have never apologized for the invasion of Poland. We can all see where Mr. Obama's alliegence lies. But is it in line with the rest of America. Ask the mothers of American sons and daughters who fight side by side with Polish soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. They might have a different opionion than our President.